Purple Sweet Potato & Pumpkin Balls with Sweet Corn Dessert Soup - 紫薯南瓜圆玉米糖水

Sweet potatoes are a good ingredient to have on hand, not only because their versatile flavor and texture - they can bulk out a stew, add heft to cakes and muffins, they can also be made into fabulous fall-themed desserts. Sweet potatoes have chock full of wholesome goodness, they are high in iron and Vitamin D. This local dessert recipes consisting of purple sweet potato, pumpkin, sweet corn and sago. Okay, let's get the work starting now!

... Have fun!

~ Purple Sweet Potato & Pumpkin Balls with Sweet Corn Dessert Soup ~

=> The Dessert Soups

1 can sweet corn kernels (300 g without water)
1000 ml water
4 pieces knotted pandan leaves
4 tbsp sago (washed)
1 can creamy style sweet corn (400 g)
Some rock sugars

1. Mix all ingredients together in a pot over medium heat, switch off the heat when the sago turns transparent.
2. Set aside.

=> The Rice Balls

120 g purple sweet potato, steamed and mashed
30 g glutinous rice flour
60 g tapioca flour
2 tsp fine sugar
80 ml water

100 g pumpkin, steamed and mashed
30 g glutinous rice flour
70 g tapioca flour
2 tsp fine sugar

1. Mix ingredients (A) & (B) separately until it turns into a dough.
2. Divide into small portion, roll into rectangle shape and cut into small rectangular.
3. Boil the ready balls in a pot with water, until it floats and turn off the heat.
4. Add the cooked balls into the sweet corn dessert soup and served while hot.

    The Dessert Soup:

    The Rice Balls:


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