Non-Bake Sweetcorn Tiramisu Cake - 无烘烤粟米提拉米苏蛋糕

What could be a better summer dessert than sweetcorn tiramisu cake?

This tiramisu cake is velvety and moist in texture. It has a faint corn scent that reminds me of summer cookouts but the flavor is almost undefinable. My mouth wants to tell me vanilla but my brain keeps saying "But wait... there is something else!". Sweetcorn takes on a whole new meaning with this recipe. A simple cake that my family just adores!

This sounds more complex than it is, it really isn't difficult and it is worth the time it takes to make it.

... Happy baking!

~ Non-Bake Sweetcorn Tiramisu Cake ~

200 g canned whole kernel corns
150 g cream cheese
2 tbsp honey
28 pieces Italian ladyfingers
45 g cornstarch
40g castor sugar
360 ml full cream milk
Cocoa Powder for dusting

Coffee syrup:
150 ml water
12 g expresso
1 1/2 tbsp castor sugar

1. Put coffee syrup ingredients to boil, leave to cool aside.
2. Blend kernel corns, cornstarch, sugar and milk together using blender.
3. Bring to boil at medium heat, leave to cool aside.
4. Add honey to cream cheese and mix well.
5. Add cream cheese mixture gradually into cooled sweet corn paste, mix well till smooth paste.
6. Dip Italian ladyfingers in coffee syrup and lay them one by one in a square cake tin or square casserole dish.
7. Spread the sweetcorn paste evenly onto the Italian ladyfingers and lay rest of the Italian ladyfingers onto the paste.
8. Spread remaining sweetcorn paste onto the 2nd layer Italian ladyfingers evenly.
9. Dust with cocoa power and wrap it with plastic wrap overnight.
10. Dust with extra cocoa powder before served.


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