Steamed Gula Melaka Banana Walnut Cupcakes - 蒸椰糖香蕉核桃杯子蛋糕

Once a while, I will craze for a slice of wholesome banana cake, and I am very particular about banana cake - it got to be fragrant, rich, moist yet soft without additional of artificial flavors. I have tested some store bought ones and they were not up to my expectations. The best is still the naturally home-made type and if possible I will go for steaming method because it is more healthier comparing to oven-bake.

This recipe is not only calling for steaming, with Gula Melaka to replace the usual castor sugar and also the additional ingredient of walnut, it makes the cake even more tempting. The fragrant of the cake was so alluring during baking, I was salivating all the way! The cake will turn up darker comparing to the normal banana cake due to the use of Gula Melaka. I would highly recommend you to give it a try, you will definitely love the taste too! Yummilious!

... Have fun!

~ Steamed Gula Melaka Banana Walnut Cupcakes ~ 

4 eggs
120 g gula melaka (chopped into small pieces)
120 g butter
2 ripe bananas
200 g self raising flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
2 tbsp coconut milk
120 g walnuts (chopped)

1. Whisk eggs and banana till foamy and light.
2. Melt butter and gula melaka, set aside.
3. Sift self raising flour and baking soda, alternatively add melted gula melaka and flour into the whisked mixture.
4. Lightly fold in till combine.
5. Lastly add walnuts before steaming.
6. Steamed over HIGH heat for 30 minutes.


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