Sweet Tea Ice Pops - 甜茶冰棒

Sweet tea takes a chill in the form of ice pops. Kick back on the front porch with your feet up and sweet tea ice pop in your hands. Summer just got little sweeter and a lot cooler!

What if sweet tea is turned into dessert? Well, that would make sense! You can substitute the tea bag with decaffaine or blend.

Sweet Tea Ice Pops ~

(Make 4 Popsicles)
1 cup water
2 standard sized english breakfast tea bags
50 g sugar

1. Put all ingredients to a pot and boil for 3 minutes.
2. Leave the tea bags inside the pot and set aside to cool.
3. Pour the sweet tea into ice pop (popsicle) moulds.
4. Insert sticks or handles and put into the freezer.
5. It will take about 1 hour for the ice pops to freeze solid, depending on the size of mould. 

1. Keep in mind that when frozen, the tea will taste less strong and less sweet, so you may want to let it brew longer than normally might.
2. These are best eaten within 1 month of being made.


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