Homemade Roti Prata - 自家印度煎饼

Roti Prata is a favourite breakfast dish amongst Singaporeans and Malaysians but there is a certain level of mystique about it because of the process of flipping the dough such that not many people would even attempt to do at home. Why would you want to make it at home if it is so readily available and is relatively cheap? 

Well, simple reasons - those Prata selling at the stalls contain high levels of trans fats - they are made with cheap margarine and they usually contain more oil than is necessary. Making own Prata at home, you can choose to use high grade butter and limit the amount of oil used.

Once you have mastered how to make Prata using this simple recipe, it is time to host a Prata Party! You can really go crazy thinking of all the wonderful flavours that you can put into your Prata! Yummy!

... Happy flipping!

~ Homemade Roti Prata ~

250g plain flour
1/2 tbsp sugar
1 tsp sweetened condensed milk
1 tbsp butter
1 tsp salt
130 g water (add in progressively)

1. Mix all ingredients together.
2. Knead to form a soft shiny dough, if it is still sticky add in more flour and if it is too dry add in more water.
3. Divide the dough into 50g portion and shape into small smooth ball.
4. Rub the small dough with butter and place into a grease butter container, then cover the container tightly to keep the surface from drying out.
5. Allow it to rest for minimum 3 hours, best if overnight in the fridge.
6. Oil the work top, stretch each ball into a very thin sheet - first flatten with oiled palms then thinned further by pulling the edges, adding enough oil to prevent sticking.
7. Grease some oils on the surface of the flatten dough and fold into a square - eggs can be added before folding.
8. Alternatively thin out the sheet, oil it and roll it up, coil in up like a sea shell, flatten and oil again and repeat the flattening one or two more time.
9. Pan fried on both sides till brown crispy and it is ready to be served with curry or dahl, it can be served plainly with sugar too.


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