Stir-Fried Turnip & Carrots with Dried Shrimps - 沙葛红萝卜炒虾米

This quick recipe is perfect for lunch and dinner, or even as fillings for some Chinese snacks. This can be cooked as vegetarian dish too, just discard the dried shrimps and replaced with vegetarian oyster sauce - a savory dish where all family members will love it!

... Happy Stir-Frying!

~ Stir-Fried Turnip & Carrots with Dried Shrimps - 沙葛红萝卜炒虾米~


2 shallots (slice thinly)

1 stalk celery (shredded) - optional

3 shiitake mushrooms (soaked and slice thinly)

250 g turnips/mengkuang (shredded)

50 g carrots (shredded)

1 tbsp dried shrimps (chopped)


1 tbsp oyster sauce

1/2 tbsp light soy sauce

1/2 tbsp sugar



1. Fry shallots, mushrooms and dried shrimps for 3 minutes over MEDIUM heat.

2. Add in turnips, carrots & celery. Stir fry until all the vegetables are soft.

3. Pour the seasonings and continue to stir fry until fragrant over LOW heat.

4. Dish out and served while hot.


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