Ham Jim Peng (Chinese Five Spice Doughnuts) - 咸煎饼

Ham Jim Peng is deep fried bread, a very popular snack in Malaysia and Singapore. Stalls selling this kind of snack is very common especially along the road side. Many eat it with a cup of coffee or tea for breakfast. It comes with various types of filling, and the one I prefer most is salty five spice with sweet red bean paste. The process of making Ham Jim Peng is not that complicated, but it does a bit time consuming. Regardless, this snack is really good - imagine sweet wrapped by slight salty dough with the texture of good doughnut, I think my explanation successfully do justice to the taste, everyone just love it!

... Give this recipe a try!

~ Ham Jim Peng (Chinese Five Spice Doughnuts) ~

600 g plain flour
150 g sugar
1 tsp salt
2 tsp five spice powder
2 tsp instant yeast
3 tbsp corn/vegetable oil
300 g water
200 g sesame seeds
400g ready made red bean paste

1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl, fold in the plain flour using a chopstick, the dough will be very sticky.
2. Prove the dough for 2 hours.
3. Cut the dough into smaller portion, about 30 g per small portion.
4. Place some flour on the rolling board and your palm, roll the dough into round shape, flatten it and fill in with 2 tsp of red bean paste.
5. Take a spoon dip into water, use the back of the spoon and spread the water on the surface of the dough, sprinkle with sesame seeds.
6. Prove it for another 30 min.
7. Preheat the pan with HIGH heat, turn to low heat then place the dough into the pan and deep fry until it turns golden brown.
8. Served while warm.


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