
Showing posts with the label 油炸

Enoki Mushroom with Japanese Egg Tofu Pot - 金针菇日本豆腐煲

This is a wonderful way to cook Japanese egg tofu, initially fried it then dump all ingredients into a pot! You will definitely love this dish, everyone will come back and want to have more! It’s a must try recipe, yummy! ... Happy frying! ~ Enoki Mushroom with Japanese Egg Tofu Pot -  金针菇日本豆腐煲  ~ Ingredients: (Serve 3) 4 gloves garlic (chopped) 1/2 chili (chopped) 1 packet enoki mushroom (cut away the roots) 3 tube japanese tofu (cut into 1.5cm thick) Cornflour Sauces: 2 tbsp light soy sauce 1 tbsp dark soy sauce 1 tbsp oyster sauce Pepper 1/2 tbsp sugar 2 cup water (mixed all sauces ingredient in a bowl, set aside) Garnishing: red chili (chopped) Methods: 1. Dapped the tofu with cornflour, make sure it is fully covered with cornflour and fry in the oil until golden brown over MEDIUM heat. 2. Fry the garlic & chili in a pot until fragrant, add in the washed enoki continue to fry until soften over LOW heat. 3. Add in the fried tofu, pour over the sauces and cover it with lid. Simme

Sweet & Sour Black Pomfret Fish - 甜酸黑鲳鱼

Cook up this classic restaurant-styled Chinese sweet and sour fish dish. Plus this amazing recipe for an authentic Cantonese-inspired sweet and sour sauce! This sweet and sour sauce is indeliby sweet, piquant, and punctuated with vinegarish nuances. It is one of my favourite versions, and is a treasured, tested Cantonese recipe. It has the perfect consistency. Thick and sticky, and much like a sweet caramelised glaze, this sauce deliciously clings to, and coats all the ingredients in the dish. Give this a try, you and your family will love it! ... Happy cooking! ~ Sweet & Sour Black Pomfret Fish -  甜酸黑鲳鱼  ~ Ingredients: 1 black pomfret fish (about 500g) 1/2 can of canned pineapples (cut into big pieces) 1/2 big onion (sliced) 1 tomato (sliced) 1 red chilli (cut into big pieces) 2 garlic (sliced) 2 shallots (sliced) Sauces: 4 tbsp tomato sauce 4 tbsp chilli sauce 2 tbsp white vinegar 2 tbsp fine sugar 1 tbsp cornflour 3/4 water Pinch of salt to taste Mix all ingredients and set asid

Pan-Fried Garlic Chicken Breast - 锅煎蒜米鸡扒

Make delicious pan-fried chicken breasts in just few easy steps, a simple dinner recipe crafted for home cooks! This recipe is really simple and can be easily master. There’s minimal preparation, and it is absolutely perfect for weeknight dinners. Yummy! ... Happy cooking! ~ Pan-Fried Garlic Chicken Breast -  锅煎蒜米鸡扒  ~ Ingredients: (Serves 2) 6 pc chicken breasts (palm size, 1cm thick) 5 cloves garlic (chopped) Pepper 2 1/2 tbsp light soy sauce 1/2 tbsp dark soy sauce 1 tbsp Chinese rice wine 1 tbsp cornflour Methods: 1. Use the back of the knife to lightly chop both side of the meat from end to end for a minute each. 2. Mix all the ingredients with the chicken, marinate for 30 minutes. 3. Heat the oil at MEDIUM heat, pan fried the meat. 4. Served while hot.

Red Bean Sesame Pancakes - 豆沙芝麻煎饼

The chinese-treats known as western crepes, a delicious virtue! Easy to prepare, soft inside and crispy outside... yum yum! ~ Red Bean Sesame Pancakes ~ Ingredients: 200 g plain flour 75 ml hot water 55 ml cold water 1/2 tsp salt Filings: 150 g red bean paste Melon / pumpkin seeds Eggs White and black sesame Methods: 1. Add hot and cold water into flour, knead until smooth dough, set aside for an hour. 2. Mix the red bean paste with melon / pumpkin seeds. 3. Divide the dough and red bean paste into 3 portions. 4. Place the paste into one of the small dough, wrap tightly, roll into ball shape, flatten it and brush with a thin layer of eggs then sprinkle with sesame seeds. 5. Rest for 30 minutes. 6. Pan fried the pancakes until golden brown with low heat.

Steamed & Fried Hotdogs Bread Rolls - 蒸香煎腊肠面包卷

Chinese bakeries always have a great variety of breads, cakes and cookies to choose from. I love Hong Kong style bakery buns because the brioche-like bread is super soft. One of my favorites is the hot dog bread and luckily it's quite easy to make. Although it is time consuming to make the dough, most of the time is spent waiting for it to rise. Well, making breads or buns are never easy I think. This recipe is very unique, the breads are called for steaming then frying. The texture are soft inside and crispy outside. Give it a try, it's worth spending time! ... Enjoy! ~ Steamed & Fried Hotdogs Bread Rolls ~ Ingredients: 100 g pumpkin purée 75 g sugar, separate into 2 portion 250 g bread flour 80 g water, warm 1 tsp baking powder 25 g butter, melted 4 g instant yeast 1/2 tsp salt Hotdogs Methods: 1. Mix 1st portion of sugar with yeast & water, cover and set aside until bubbles arise. 2. Combine 2nd portion sugar, pumpkin purée, bread flour, baking powder and salt with t

Golden Pumpkin Balls - 金瓜蛋

Here's a delicious treat that uses up that scooped out pumpkin flesh. The balls are popular with children and adults alike, and it is best to enjoy while it's still hot! You can also freeze them - just open freeze before the deep frying stage and fry from frozen. It is a simple recipe with 3 easily buy ingredients out there. It took about 30 minutes from making the pumpkin purée to golden balls. For lazy day to satisfy some craves, try this recipe out, you and your family will definitely love it! ... Have fun! ~ Golden Pumpkin Balls ~ Ingredients: 150 g pumpkin purée 70 g glutinous rice flour 25 g sugar Methods: 1. Mix pumpkin purée and sugar well. 2. Add flour and make to a dough. 3. Divide to a smaller dough of 12 g each. 4. Deep fried over medium low hear until golden brown, serve best while hot.

Steam-Fried Pumpkin Kueh - 水煎南瓜饼

Have you ever try the steam-fried method? This is my first attempt, and it is truly a good experience. The texture is soft, the pumpkin and the red bean paste mixture make it sweet yet savory, together with the sprinkled sesame seeds, it is indeed flavorsome! The water vapor while steaming, after pan frying makes the taste more pleasing. I do not know how to express, you should try it out personally to enjoy the real oomph! ... Enjoy! ~ Steam-Fried Pumpkin Kueh ~ Ingredients: 200 g pumpkin purée 170 g glutinous rice flour 30g wheat starch flour 120 g red bean paste 100 g hot water 1/2 tbsp sugar 1/2 tbsp corn oil Sesame seeds Methods: 1. Sift wheat starch flour into hot water and mix well. 2. Add pumpkin purée, glutinous rice flour, sugar and corn oil into the wheat starch mixture, make into to a shiny dough. 3. Cover and set aside for 15 minute. 4. Divide the dough into 12 portions and roll into ball shape. 5. Divide the red bean paste into  12 g per portion and  into a ball shape as

Ham Jim Peng (Chinese Five Spice Doughnuts) - 咸煎饼

Ham Jim Peng is deep fried bread, a very popular snack in Malaysia and Singapore. Stalls selling this kind of snack is very common especially along the road side. Many eat it with a cup of coffee or tea for breakfast. It comes with various types of filling, and the one I prefer most is salty five spice with sweet red bean paste. The process of making Ham Jim Peng is not that complicated, but it does a bit time consuming. Regardless, this snack is really good - imagine sweet wrapped by slight salty dough with the texture of good doughnut, I think my explanation successfully do justice to the taste, everyone just love it! ... Give this recipe a try! ~ Ham Jim Peng (Chinese Five Spice Doughnuts) ~ Ingredients: 600 g plain flour 150 g sugar 1 tsp salt 2 tsp five spice powder 2 tsp instant yeast 3 tbsp corn/vegetable oil 300 g water 200 g sesame seeds 400g ready made red bean paste Methods: 1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl, fold in the plain flour using a chopstick, the dough will be very s

Homemade Glazed Doughnuts - 自制甜甜圈

There's nothing like a still warm-raised doughnut to bring a smile to your face. This basic dough recipe is very subtly sweet, so you can glaze away with your favorite flavors and decorations, not worry about them getting cloying.  Yeast doughnuts tend to be light and fluffy. These are the classic doughnuts you get at the corner of the shop. The yeast doughnuts take a bit longer than cake types since they will need a rising time. All doughnuts get stale quickly so be sure to freeze any extras as soon as possible - or just eat them all... Yummy! ... Enjoy glazing and decorating! ~ Homemade Glazed Doughnuts ~ Ingredients: Doughnuts: (A) 200 g high gluten flour / bread flour 100 g low gluten flour / cake flour 3 g instant yeast 10 g fine sugar 5 g milk powder 1 egg 120 g milk 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 tsp baking powder (B) 40 g butter, melted Glaze: (Sugar Glaze) 75 g fine sugar 1/4 tsp vanilla 25 g cold milk / water (Chocolate Glaze) 75 g fine sugar 1/4 tsp vanilla 25 g cold milk / water 3 tb

Fried Leftover Rice Fritters - 炸剩米饭饼

Left over rice is very versatile, it can be used for fried rice, stuffed peppers and all sorts of other dishes. These rice fritters texture is extremely crispy, it is another method of cooking to have a fulfilled brunch and one of the easiest ways to use up left over rice. If you have any left over rice, give this recipe a try, you will love it! ... Enjoy! ~ Fried Leftover Rice Fritters ~ Ingredients: 1 bowl of leftover rice 1 onion, coarsely chopped 1 hotdog, sliced 1 stalk spring onions, chopped 2 eggs 2 1/2 tbsp corn starch Salt & pepper to taste Methods: 1. Mix all ingredients well in a bowl. 2. In a pan, heat oil for shallow frying. 3. When the oil is hot, add a tablespoon of batter, pressing down slightly to form a flat fritter. 4. Fry one side until golden brown, then flip to another side of the fritter, continue to fry until golden brown before serving.