Red Bean Sesame Pancakes - 豆沙芝麻煎饼

The chinese-treats known as western crepes, a delicious virtue! Easy to prepare, soft inside and crispy outside... yum yum!

~ Red Bean Sesame Pancakes ~

200 g plain flour
75 ml hot water
55 ml cold water
1/2 tsp salt

150 g red bean paste
Melon / pumpkin seeds
White and black sesame

1. Add hot and cold water into flour, knead until smooth dough, set aside for an hour.
2. Mix the red bean paste with melon / pumpkin seeds.
3. Divide the dough and red bean paste into 3 portions.
4. Place the paste into one of the small dough, wrap tightly, roll into ball shape, flatten it and brush with a thin layer of eggs then sprinkle with sesame seeds.
5. Rest for 30 minutes.
6. Pan fried the pancakes until golden brown with low heat.


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