Kuih Dadar (Coconut Pancakes) - 香兰椰丝卷

This pancake is a very popular malay dessert. The most common flavoring ingredients are coconut cream/milk, grated coconut, pandan leaves and gula melaka. It is very delicious and quite addictive, and nothing beats eating it fresh and warm, hot from the gridle. Right from the first bite, the magic happens - your teeth start to sink into the soft pancake, as they reach the filling there is a light crunch from the grated coconut. Slowly when you chew, the flavors and textures start to play together inside your mouth and you can't wait to take another bite... and another... and another... Yummy!

... Happy folding!

~ Kuih Dadar ~


200 g grated white coconut
200 g gula melaka
2 tbsp water
4 pandan leaves (knotted)

100 g plain flour
200 ml coconut milk (packet)
200 ml pandan juice
1 egg
Pinch of salt
Green color


1. Put all ingredients into a sauce pan, cook over low heat till gula melaka has melted.
2. Mix well and set aside to cool.

1. Mix all ingredients and blend until smooth.
2. Prepare a nonstick pan with low-medium heat. 
3. Using a soup ladle, take some batter and pour on the pan, make it round and thin. 
4. Swirl it by moving the pan a little.
5. Cook for 1 minute maximum, or until the bottom of the pancake is cooked and turns slightly brown. 
6. Use a wooden spatula to check the sides. 
7. Gently remove the pancake and place on a plate.
8. Repeat the same until done.
9. Place 2 tbsp of coconut filling on the bottom edge of each pancake. 
10. Roll one time, fold the left and right of the pancake to enclose then finish the roll. 
11. Continue to wrap the rest of the pancakes. 
* make about 15 pieces


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